Heart Station
Assessing the health of a patient’s cardiovascular system is made more convenient with the presence of several cardiac diagnostic equipment at MyHealth Clinic.

Treadmill Stress Test
This test is undertaken to assess the heart’s capacity to manage stress. The treadmill stress test uses a treadmill bicycle exercise machine with electrocardiography(ECG) and blood pressure monitoring.
2D Echocardiogram with Colorflow Doppler
2D Echo assesses the overall function of the heart. The 2D Echocardiogram with ColorFlow Doppler System, which is available at MyHealthClinic, has high resolution tissue harmonic imaging technology that is capable of digital recording and playback system.
12 Lead Electrocardiogram
ECG is an electrical recording of the heart. It is a non-invasive, painless test that doctors use to assess the heart’s rhythm pattern and stability. This test diagnoses arrhythmias and injury patterns when patients suffer from myocardial ischemia or heart attacks