10 things you can do to manage COVID 19 at home.

  1. Stay at home.
  2. Monitor your symptoms carefully if they worsen call your health care provider.
  3. Rest and stay hydrated.
  4. If you have a medical appointment, call ahead and let them know you have COVID19
  5. If your symptoms are severe call 911
  6. Cover your cough and sneezes.
  7. Wash your hands often.
  8. Stay away from others in your home, use a separate bathroom.
  9. Avoid sharing personal items.
  10. Clean all surfaces touched often

MYHEALTH CLINIC GUIDE: Proctosigmoidoscopy

Before the Procedure Detailed, written instructions on how to prepare for the proctosigmoidoscopy will be given when the examination is scheduled. A complete cleansing of the lower colon is required through one or two enemas the night before the proctosigmoidoscopy. A liquid diet may also be required to ensure a clear and complete view of … Read more


Before the Procedure Detailed, written instructions on how to prepare for the colonoscopy will be given when the examination is scheduled Review the instructions with your MyHealth Clinic doctor and find out whether your medications should be taken that day. Inform your doctor of any allergies and medical conditions, as well as other medications. A … Read more


Before the Procedure Detailed, written instructions on how to prepare for the gastroscopy will be given when the examination is scheduled The stomach needs to be completely empty for the doctor to see the stomach lining and duodenum clearly. Fasting for eight hours before the procedure is thus necessary. Your MyHealth Clinic doctor may ask … Read more